Wednesday 5 May 2010

Celebrating at Starbucks

Boker Tov:
Yesterday, I treated mum and dad Reel to Starbucks.
Saturday was mum's birthday, so I kept up our tradition of taking our parents for a Starbucks treat. I even got their coffee orders right.
The weather was wonderful; sunny, nice and warm, but not hot.
I brought a beautiful multi-coloured scarve that she loved and went ahead and gave her my mother's day card for her. We had a wonderful time just talking and laughing. I am so blessed to have a great relation with Mark's parnets. Not everyone has that.
But the real treat was Mark's call.
He tried me at home and when he found I wasn't there, he called on my cell phone. He didn't know about my plans to take mum and dad out.
So Mark was able to wish his mother a happy birthday and dad was thrilled to hear Mark's voice.
G-d's timing is perfect.

1 comment:

Marty said...

Hi Laini,
What a great idea for a celebration, and perfect that Mark called while you were all together.