Thursday 29 March 2012

He Drank The Whole Thing.

For all the years I hoped and pray to have a second chance at being a mother, the last thing I would be the mother of a 14 year old Papillon named Montaque.
And what a little joy he has been these past three months. Like Mark, I cannot imagine life without him.

As all parnets of Furry babies know, these precious little touches of G_D are indeed amoung the best teachers of how to a good parent as well as teaching us how to treat and get along with others.
As with our two legged babies, we learn quickly the fur balls can get into things.
Like our coffee.
One morning, I was sitting at the computer, working on a letter to a friend. Mark brought me a cup of coffee and I sat the cup on the floor beside me. It's a habit. And of course I wasn't thinking.
A few minutes later, I heard the sound of a small dog lapping......
It seems Mr. Montaque likes his coffee hot as well.....

Yeah, he drank all of it.


betty said...

Too cute Laini! Was he hyper for the rest of the day? I always do call Koda our third child; he is the most spoiled of them too! So glad your little one is bringing you and Mark joy!


Unknown said...

Betty, it was hard to tell: Monti is always hyper :)