Thursday 1 March 2012

My Mother The Poet

I recieved my love for words from my mother.
An avid reader, our home was filled with books as well as music.
Mummy has always written. And she encouraged me to write as well. Being a poor speller, however was trying to my beloved's nerves. When I entered the fourth, she gave me one of the greatest, most pricest of gifts.
A dictionary. While we already had one the whole family used, mommy gave me my very own dictionary and taught me how to use it.
For me, my new dictionary was like a huge box of crayolos. With all of these wonderful words, I could not only paint amazing word pictures, but learn new words, have new colors to add to my palete. Sometimes I would just lay on my bed and read the dictionary as one would a novel.
Even today, a dictionary isn't fall from my side.
And spell check is my buddy.
After mother's strokes twelve years ago, and she had regain the use of her hands, mommy began to start writing poetry.
Not surprising since mommy loves poetry.

About six years ago, mommy entered into a poetry contest at Hope Haven, where she lives. And of course mommy won first prize.
Since then mommy has continued to delights others with the poems she pens.
This morning, mommy was feeling a little sad that her birth month, which ended yesterday was over. So, she wrote her feeling out. Soon, she was giving thanks to G-d the life she has led and reflected on her life now.
I smiled as I listened. I heard the song of an older woman, wise with age and faith, to her G-d, giving thanks for her life, her family and friends and for the place in life she now enjoys.
One day I hope to be able to share some of my mother's poems.
Poems from a g-dly woman.

1 comment:


Your mother's poetry sounds beautiful. She is leaving her mark on the world with words. What a wonderful legacy. I understand your love of the dictionary. Mine was my constant companion too. And you're right, what would we do without SPELL CHECK. LOL Take care.