Saturday, 2 February 2013

Much Better


Thanks to everyone who has prayed for Mark and me.
I am pretty much over the Flu, though I have a cough that is still hanging on.
Blood Pressure is slowly returning to normal. It seems the Flu as well as the stress raised it. The doctor is quite pleased with the lower numbers, but it still needs to go lower.
We have lost Internet service for the time being, so I get online as I can. Our local market, Harris Teeter offers free WiFi for two hours at a time.
So I am now writing my blog at home, saving the entries on a file that I can cut and paste to this blog when I get a chance.
I am relearning what it means to be contend in whatever state I am in.
I, who have been on welfare, public housing, raised a son as a single parent. Surely I can regather my inner resources, lean onto the everlasting arms of my Heavenly Father and know He will see us through this as well.
It is in the Desert that HaShem drives His servants, His prophets, His children, the nation of Israel, to burn away all that is vile and unholy, to forge His children into His image, to make us Holy as He is holy.
It isn't an easy progress. But there are not only lessons, but beauty in the Desert.
If only we would open our eyes to see it.

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