Sunday 20 February 2011

Love in Williamsburge Part Five: The Reel World

As Friday morning dawned, either Mark nor I wanted to get out of the bed.
Not because it was so comfortable (it was) but because we had to get up, pack and return to the Real World.
We joked about the fact this was the third time we were given the same room. How everyone here at the Holiday Day Inn knows us by name, rolls out the red carpit. Even the Chief came to our table our last night and thanked us for coming, that it is always a pleasure to serve us.
Well, the manger and his staff of the Holiday Day Inn always go out of thier way to make our stay a joy.
There are times the room feels like a second home.
So back to the Real we go.
The weather was awesome, in the 70s. We talked about the week, how much fun we had. How much fun we have together.
It was then that I realize we were're returning to the Real World.
We are The Reel World. We have created our own life, our space. Our own traditions. Until G-d blesses our home with a child, and even then, we will still be hanging out together, enjoying each. We don't go to romanctic places. We 'make' romantic places and moments. We don't go looking for adventure; it awaits us where ever we go.
What is the real world? It is what you and your family create.
Our "Reel World" is our home, our new shul, the delight we take in our friends.
It isn't a job or a career. It isn't the modern culture around us.
The Real World is Shabbat, that taste of heaven we celebrate each week. The Real World is when The Torah is read in our hearing, when we open the scared text and read it ourselves. It is holding a baby or being kissed by a child. It is the hug of an aging mother or the toss of your hair by your father. It is the sister of your sister and the acceptance of a brother who respects your choices.
The Real World is the World that we who love and belong to The Holy One shall enter into one day.
It isn't without sorrow or pain or even drama. It is those things that make us stronger and draws us closer to those we love, to G-d.
So I am now back in the Reel World, defrozening a streak while I work on this entry.
We watched a program today about Yonah and it was full of challenges.
So we shall chew the lesson over a supper of streak, mash pototoes and string beans.
Blessings to you all :)

1 comment:

Rose said...

Glad you had some nice weather to enjoy!