Saturday, 6 October 2012

A Sukkot Miracle

Thank you, thank you, thank you, to everyone who has prayed for and with Mark and I these past several months. For the letters of encouragement, for those who donated to PayPal to help support us, for the cards and the phones calls. All of you are amazing.
As all of you know, Mark has been looking for work for two years. Last year, we had a false start with a job that lasted only several weeks due to the fact that it was seasonal work.
Twelve weeks ago, Mark began attending the ,Building Trades Academy.
The Building Trades Academy Inc., is a 501(c)3 entity that strives to deliver workforce education, training and employment services that lead to better jobs and careers in the building trades to low-income residents of South Hampton Roads through partnerships with industry, government, and community organizations; to deliver vocational training through partnerships that enhance the community and promote affordable home ownership (yes, I copied this off their website) Since, in the past two years, we have gone from an 60,000 a year income to under 10,000 making us an low-income family, Mark was able to enroll.

And frankly, it is exactly what Mark needed. Mark not only received the needed skill for the various construction trades, but how to succeed in his new field of employment, but they also receive life skills training. Mark's training was  as if he really on the  job, and he would indeed come home happy from a hard day's work.

 It was a tough twelve weeks including me falling and spraining my knee and wrist, Mark getting a summer cold, the death of our friend and brother David and little money to live on.
The last week of school, the students worked on various jobs sites for four days without pay, putting into use the skills they have obtained. For, it was Lincoln Military housing. And he loved it. Each day he came home with stories of the things he did, the people he had met and how he would love to work there. On his last day, Mark was asked to apply for a job.
The next day, 28th of September, the 199th of the Building Trade graduated, including my beloved.

And yes, I am very proud of my man....
 This past Thursday, Mark was hired by Lincoln Military housing; as soon as the background check and the results of the drug test comes in, he goes to work.
A few weeks ago, friends from our former church suggested we on to their deacon and ask for assistance, so that we can avoid eviction. The night before Mark's interview, he met with two of the deacons.. These dear men prayed for us and felt what we needed was a fresh start. What we own was too much for them to help with. But they offered the following; that they would be willing to pay for first and last month's rent and help us move. They even e-mailed the next day a list of places we should check into.
Before his interview, Mark stopped to see our rabbi to tell him what has been happening. He was so happy to see Mark, and even gave Mark the name of someone who had apartments to rent. When asked how I was doing and knowing I needed medication, rabbi wrote Mark a check to cover the cost and even filled Mark's gas tank.
Yesterday morning, Mark, Monti and I went to see the first house on the list. The property manager lived in their house and was renting the bedrooms. We fell in love with the house and with Chris. There is very little furnishing and we offered the use of ours while we live there. Yes, we are moving into a house for at least six months to help get us back onto our feet. We will actually be paying thirty dollars less to rent a house!
So, while we still have to go to court for eviction, we will have a place to live and soon Mark will be returning to work.
I said before I believe in miracles and I still do. Mark and I are living proof that G-d is Faithful.
I hung on to the belief that He would not allow us to be put our on the streets. G-d has brought us too far, has done too much for us, to just drop us. Jews and Christians were His hands and Feet.
He has been faithful, so faithful.
I told my mother I was believing for a Sukkot miracle.
And there it is.


betty said...

Oh my gosh Laini, I have goosebumps as I read this. I too knew God would provide, I just didn't know how he would but I trusted his word when he says he will meet our needs. I've been praying (so sorry I haven't been able to help more financially) but I was praying for a miracle and it looks like you guys got that indeed! I am so thankful that Mark got a job; I know he'll pass the background/drug testing. I am so thankful you will have a place to live and won't be out on the streets and it sounds like a great place to be too. I am sure you, Mark, and Monti will love your time there.

God is so faithful; God is so great and awesome. Thank you Lord!!!!!!


Unknown said...

Thank you Betty for your prayers, for standing with us. I too didn't know how things would work out, but if I did, then it wouldn't be faith, would it?
Still learning to trust His Hand as well as His Heart.