Saturday 6 October 2012

Ushpizin Part Two

As stated before, during Sukkot, part of the tradition is the welcoming of guest, to enjoy and rejoice with others.
But also we remember the forty years our forefathers and mothers wandered through the wilderness as, well as others who endured the suffering of exile and felt the Presence of HaShem.
During the seven days, we invite seven who have experience such a journey, seven who endured and overcame the difficulties with the protection of HaShem, learning from their lives how to deal with our own desert times.

 From father Avraham, commanded "Go forth from your homeland, from your birthplace and from the house of your father, to the Land that I will show you." (Gen. 12:1)
From Yitzchak, we find "And there was a famine in the Land, in addition to the one that occurred in the days of Avraham; and Yitzchak went to Avimelech, King of the Philistines, in Gerar." (Gen. 26:1)
From Yaakov,  "Arise, therefore, and go to Aram, the house of Bethuel, your mother's father." (Gen. 28:2)
From Yosef, who was  sold as a slave to Egypt by his own brothers. In one day, Yosef went from being his father's favour in fine clothing, to a slave in chains and rags.  His exile led to the saving of the very brothers who wanted him dead as well as forgiving them.
Moshe and Aharon led our people during the forty year sojourn in the desert. Not as easy task to be sure.
 From David, the Shepard boy who became the great king and worshipper, fleeing from his enemies into the Desert of Judea, the one from who's bloodline Messiah comes. Many Psalms of David were penned in dark caves, clinging to G-d, trusting HaShem to defend and save him.
From each we learn how to maintain our hope, our faith in the protection of our G-d. That despite great adversity, G-d is faithful to keep His children, that He covers us with His wings. We have nothing to fear,for "Thou Art with me." 

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