Monday 9 January 2012

In the Hands of G-d Part 2

Often when one hears that someone has been played in the Hands of G-d, one thinks that person who is very ill, dying or has died.
And while that is true, the reality is, if we are believers in the G-d of Abraham, Issac and Yacob, we are in His Hands all the days of our lives on this good earth.
From the moment of our first breath, to our last, whether we like it or not, or  even believe it or not, our life, both now and forever, all  of us are in His Hands.
The Creator of heaven and earth, of every living thing, allows the rain to fall and the sun to shine on both the righteous and the unrighteous, alike. Illness, disease and death come to all, whether we worship the Holy One or laugh at the very thought of an Divine Being. But so does wealth, health and a joy filled life.
I learned this from my beloved mother. 
Whether it was leaving New York, fleeing an abused marriage, as a single mother  raising two daughters and caring for ailing mother or moving from the Governor's Office Massachusetts to start a new career at CBN Virginia, to giving a long held  dreams to go on the mission field and start a new career as a phone conusel before her stroke.
I  watched as my mother fought back from three major strokes that came one on top of the other. Dispite it all, mummie never lost her smile or her sense of humour. She didn't take it as a judgement or punishment, nor did she see this as the L-rd she adores as failing her because He didn't restore her body. Like Job, mother declare: "though He slain me, yet will I praise Him." The nursing staff would come in, just to talk to and some of them would even ask for prayer.
If anything, we often joke that she woke from the Stroke angry because she wasn't home with Jesus.
That's my mummie.
I like to remain her that during these eleven years, she got to welcome five great-grandchildren, see both her daughters marry men she proudly call sons and a granddaughter marry as well.
When you walk the hallway of Hope Haven, the assisted living home where mummie now lives, you will find the Thomas Kindcaid gallery. My mother loves Thomas Kindcaid puzzles and once they are finished, she glues and frames them.

When you walk into her room, you feel the Presence of G-d and see that beautiful smile upon her face and you forget your own problems. My mother continues to encourage and counsel others.
"My stroke slowed down my body, not my mind," Mummie would often say.
To quote my mother, whatever state we find ourselves, we are in G-d's Hands. Nothing happens in our lives without His knowledge or permission. I don't have to like it or even understand. Just trust Him.
Since all of this began in our lives, I have noticed I have had several panic attacks. At those times, Mark takes me in his arms, kissing my hair and whisper; "Laini, I got you." and after a few minutes I calm down and know everything will be alright.
This morning, as I awoke, I heard those same words in my spirit...but it wasn't Mark....
"I got you, Elayne." G-d whispered to my heart.
And I know He does.

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