Sunday, 21 April 2013


West Union, Ohio.
Amish Land.
While I have always admitted the Amish people; they faith, they values. I even have a devotional I love entitled Amish Peace. But I never realise that a huge part of our healing would be found in the heart of Amish country.

Mark's brother and family live in the heart of Amish country. In fact, their home, owned by an Amish family is being rented to our family.
Not only is it huge, but lovely and the craftsmanship is amazing.
It is here, with our family that our healing began.
As I said in another entry, Todd and his family welcomed us with open arms and hearts. Even down to the bedroom they created for us; the feel of a jewish honeymoon suite, with sweet little touches.

I met the children eight years ago, just before the wedding. They were so young and I was afraid they wouldn't remember me.
But they did! To hear my two nephews and one niece call me "Aunt Laini!"meant the world to both Mark and I.
And of course everyone fell in love with Monti.
We had planned only to stay a day or two. But thanks to celebrating Passover and then an incoming snow storm, we were there five.
If we weren't committed to moving to Montana, West Union could have easily become home.
More next time.

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