Sunday 24 January 2010

A Weekend of Snow

Pole Mountain

Lailia Tov:

Since Friday afternoon, it has been snowing.
I had forgotten how beautiful a snow fall could be.
And yes Virginia, there is a difference.
As I look out the window, I don't see cars, trucks and buses going back and forth, turning the snow that dirty grey.
But it is a quiet fall. It remains pure white for hours, the silence only broken by the howeling of the wolves when a stray dog wanders onto the land.
I made lamb stew for Ere Shabbat, enough to barely made it through Shabbat itself. But the snow made Shabbat wonderful. I read and then took a long nap.
Last night we ordered burgers (I had chicken strips and fries) from Gators. The chicken strips were nice and crispy, fries, the burgers looked (and smelled) nice. It was a nice way to end the evening.
Since Friday afternoon, we have recieved between four to six inches of snow.
And it is still snowing.
So, today, I am working on my blogs, updating and downloading pictures.
Mark was right to send me out here: I am surrounded by people who know and love us both. I have family to talk to and yet if I need to be alone, I am given that space. I am getting a lot of work on Mark's quilt done. And enjoy getting to know the wolves better.
Yet, there are those moments, when I look out the window and see the wolves play, when I look at Pole mountain, which surrounds us, I cannot help but wish Mark was here to share it with me.

1 comment:

betty said...

how fun to have it snow all day Laini and not have to do too much but be around people you love and love you and make and eat such delicious food

perhaps when Mark returns and you guys get a break, he can join you on another trip to Montana :)
