Tuesday 16 June 2009

Yes, We'ere Still Here


Yes, we are still here.

It has been a crazy few days.

Friday, I had the joy of having a family over for Shabbath. Before Sundown, hubby looked @ my computer and fixed my wandering keyboard (no demons had taken over my Laptop, so I didn't have to lay hands on it).

Jere and Mariah have a two year old girl and that made the evening fun. Since Mariah's sister doesn't eat fish, I made both Salmon and chicken breast along with Cous-Cous, Hummus and a spinach salad. I went light on the seasoning since I had a toddler at my table and of course Moroccan Mint tea.

Little Ellie ate everything and felt @ times Mummie was too slow feeding her. Th Challah soft and sweet and Ellie loved pulling off pieces and handing it to eveyone.

Jere was new to saying the blessings, but he did great.

I rested over the weekend since PT is taking alot out of me. I kept telling my Therapist it was the balance ball that was the problem.

And today I was proved right. Since she wasn't there and it was one of the Techs working with me, I made it clear we had changed my route and I wasn't doing the balance ball.

I was able to walk to the store and come home, no pain.

As of this writing I am still pain free.

There are time we must point out with respect, that we, the patient, are the boss. We know what our bodies can handle and if there is pain, there is no gain. There are times to push through and other times pain is a warning.

And my left leg was screaming warning.

I spoke to Mark and will be sending a lovepackage. That's my new name for CarePackages.

Including a pound of Starbucks. It seems there could use some at Fort Dix.

1 comment:

betty said...

I like the love package name, Laini, because of course it is made with love to the one you love!

Shabbath sounded so nice; so glad you got to enjoy the time with family and friends!

I'm glad you spoke up in PT and told them what works and doesn't work; I'm with you that they (any health care provider) needs to listen to the patients since we really do know our bodies better than they do
