Monday 22 November 2010

Thankgiving in Williamburg

Boker Tov:
Well it is Thanksgiving Week.
Because all we have gone through, we made the decision to head for Williamsburg. We have once been to Williamburge once since Mark came back home and that was a one day trip.
It is going to feel strange not being home, not preparing a Thanksgiving Feast. No homemade cranberry sauce.
But I am sure they have both in Williamsburg.
It will be nice not to cook and clean up. Just to spend time with my big guy.
There is much healing needed.
We need the time to forcus on us, on our marriage. On our friendship.
Both took a beating this summer and despite the blows we took from outside forces, we came out the better for it.
But yesterday, I realize how much my beloved needs to get away. The hurt, the anger has finally come forth.
He spoke for the first time of  trying to do the right thing by caring for another in our home, someone in need. And then being judged by this man's church,  the very church that dumped their member on us. Of the many deployments, the cancer, ther family drama and just wanting to be with the woman he loves and practice his faith without judgement.
After letting go of all that was in his heart, he felt better, but tired. I reminded him that The Holy One will reward us for caring for one of His own. That we cannot get weary in well doing, non allow what others do or fail to do affect us or our faith, or being what I heard a rabbi call, "being lovely human beings."
We can't change the fact there is another deployment in our future. As long as Mark is in the military, it is a fact in our life.
But we can't forcu on the future. We need to be in the here and now.
So this week, I am taking my beloved away and delight in him. To give thanks for the many blessings in our lives and who knows, learn a few new dishes for our feast next year.
Think I shall by Turkish delight for the trip.


betty said...

hope you and Mark have a wonderful time in Williamsburg, Lainie, and a very happy Thanksgiving!


Beth said...

Enjoy your time away, Laini and Mark. Sometimes getting away from the routine can be a wonderful boost. I know you'll have a wonderful time!