Wednesday 7 November 2012

Date Night

Last night, after supper, Mark and I went out to Starbucks, our first date night in a very long time.

After paying a few bills and getting some gas, we decided it was time just for an hour or so of down time. Just the two of us.
Since we knew most folks would be home, watching the election results, save for one person, it was rather nice to have the cafe to ourselves.
Sipping hot mochas, it felt like the early days of our courtship;  we could only afford Starbucks dates, holding hands, looking into each others eyes, planning for our future.
We talked over the day, laughed over private jokes and just enjoy being together.
Of course, we ran into a friend we hadn't seen a while and since it was raining, we offered him a ride home before heading back to our place.
Tired, we headed off to bed.
Like John F Kennedy of old, we didn't see the need to stay up for the results.
We just wanted to continue our Date Night.

1 comment:

betty said...

What a great way to spend the evening Laini! I hope there will be more date nights in your days ahead!
