Tuesday 6 November 2012

Shalom and Welcome Part 1


This is our new home, the living room. And of course, Monti enjoying his afternoon nap.
We placed the Ark in the living room, because there really no other place to put it and I really didn't like the idea if being in store-age.

 The fireplace. We are looking forward to getting it clean and using it this year. Since the fireplace is in the living room, really the centerpiece, I am looking forward to greeting friends and family with a warm welcome.
And this is Chris, who opened his home to us and little buddy Jose. More about Jose later. While we are room-mates, the house feels more like a family. Mark, Monti and me with brother Chris.
I sit back in amazement in what G-d has done.
A new home. A new friend.
A new beginning.

1 comment:

betty said...

looks really nice and homey Laini!!
