Tuesday 22 December 2009

Hey Beloved

Lailia Tov:
"Hey beloved!"
After four and a half years of marriage, I never tire of hearing those two words.

Last night, late last night, the phone rang.
It was Mark.
H had barely been back at Base when he learned he had three villages he had to left to visit.
The next day. So it was a few days before he could call me.
But I got to hear his voice before he had to go to work and I went to sleep.
And I slept well.
"Hey Beloved!"
When I those words, along with, "Baby, I'm fine," I know all is right in my world.

Hope all is well in your homes.


Marty said...

Hi Laini,
Glad to hear Mark is doing alright. Have a great holiday and new year season!

Joan said...

So glad all is well with you at this time of year and always. Love Joan

natalie said...

Dearest Laini,
Dear friend, I wish Mark was there with you. I am doubly sorry that you are ill! Thanks very much for your comments!
I am glad that he got some packages
from you. I wish you good HIgh Holy Days and Mark too even though he is so far away keeping us free from harm.What a bunch of heroes! What a hero he is!
hey write me at Lurkynat@gmil.com meanwhile I will be checking in on your blgo.
love and hugs, natalie