Friday 29 June 2012

Mr. Obama:
 From an out of work Vet.


betty said...

So true! I really hope people take a look at the upcoming election and pray about it and make a wiser decision this time.



I hear you. My hubby recently found a temporary job after months looking. But it only lasts til fall. Hang in there. When you least expect it miracles happen.

Marty said...

Is it greedy to hope that people in America can expect both a job and healthcare? I don't see this as an either/or. My opinion: In the days when you could count on having a decent job, an employer-sponsored healthcare system worked (sort of). But now, with so many jobs being outsourced overseas, we've been left with a system that just doesn't work. Granted, the new healthcare package isn't everything it could be. In order to get it passed the whole thing was based on the Mitt Romney plan for Massachusetts. But at least it's something. And it just might mean that millions of people without a job will be covered if they get sick. (By the way, not sure if it's true, but I hear the 'mandatory' provisions don't have any real "teeth" ... that the government isn't really able to do anything if you refuse to buy insurance ...).