Monday 16 March 2009

Gray Day

Boka Tov;
Today it is a gray day in Virgina. The sun is trying to come out. But Spring isn't far away.
Today is laundry day. And since Mark returned home from a three day Drill, there is lots of laundry :)
I spoke to my brother-in-law yesterday. We haven't spoken in a few months and that is more out of the busniess of life more than anything else. Since he and his wife live in another state, we don't see each other as much as we like. We spoke for a bit, catching up other each other's lives and he called later when Mark was home.
So, laundry is together and while Mark is gone, I will catch up on e-mail and then pickup the apartment, then work on a needlepoint project. I took out chicken wings for supper; Chicken and Rice for supper.
Ah! the sun just came out :)

1 comment:

Marty said...

Hi Laini,
Sounds like you had a nice day of chores and catching-up. Sometimes I like a gray day for just that reason: It feels somehow appropriate to stay inside and work around the house when it's gray outside.