Wednesday 16 June 2010

Taking Back My Dinning Room

If you have to keep telling people your the president, your in charge....your not in charge....

Shalom: I realize as I headed into the DinningRoom this morning two things:
1. I am out of creamer. Off to the store I go.
2. There are three huge trunks taking over my dinningroom.
Now mind you, I am planning amoung all things (depending on what time his flight is) a romantic, candlelight meal. White table clothe, good china, rose red wine glasses, a vase of flowers, homemade turkish delight....
Those trunks don't quite fit in.
So into the study/prayer room they go. They weren't that heavy to drag.
It has stopped raining for now and means it is nice enough to walk to the store. I need to make myself chicken soup anyway. It's good for what ails me right now.
By taking back my Dinning Room, I am saying "deployment, you don't win! Oh sure, you landed a punches. But I'm getting in a few licks of my own."
I picture the day Mark walks in the door and sees the table waiting for him, his home, his wife welcoming him home.
It shall be a battle to keep my spirits up, but I can do this.

1 comment:

betty said...

I think the dinner you have planned will be enjoyable for the two of you Laini whenever it happens; one can only hope it happens sooner than later
