Saturday 17 October 2009


Thrusday was a very wet, cold day.
The only sunshine that could be found was at Strabucks, when I took Dad Reel for his Birthday coffee.
This is usually Mark's treat, but since he is deployed, I told him I would make sure Dad got his coffee. I also decided to inviite his mum and sister as well.
We had a wonderful time, talkin and sharing and of course laughing over Starbucks.
And dispite the fact I was dressed nice and warm, I still caught a chill and that's why I hae felt so poorly the last few days.
This morning I awoke with a sore throat, sneezing and a runny nose. Chills all day and now a slight temp.
But the time I got to spend with my family, it was worth it.


betty said...

Mark looks so much like his dad! I'm glad you got to spend time with family but sorry you caught a cold and are under the weather


Beth said...

I'm glad you got to do this and had so much fun! Let's hope the cold passes quickly and you feel better soon. Hugs, Beth