Thursday 6 November 2008

Sober Thoughts


This evening as Mark was making coffee, I was putting Laundry away. I picked up a pair of my beloved's ACU's (Army Combat Uniform). I hugged them close, thankful he is home and safe.

Yes, there is a very good chance he could return...but for right now, I just enjoy his being home. I fussed at mark about the trash; then remember last year he wasn't here to take out the trash. So I stopped in mid-sentence.
He took it out this afternoon.

As I held his ACU's to my heart, I remember that is this country, our nation appoint new leader by ballots. In other countries, it is by blood and bullets. Mark was in Iraq when her critzens for their government in 2004.....

The things we take for granted.....

1 comment:

betty said...

great reminder, Laini; we really do have so much to be thankful for; we complain (at least I do) over the littlest things; I need more gratitude in my life and less complaining
