Sunday 2 November 2008

A WOW Moment

Thank to my buddy Jonathan (who became Bar Mitzvah in this past April) we were able to capture these wonderful moments. Usually, the use of a camera is not permitted during a service. But our Rabbi doesn't feel the Spirit of the Holy One is afraid of a flash bulb.
It was a wonderful moment we wanted our children (G-d willing to see)
This is me as I begin to chant Noah...and yes, I was quite nervious.

Thanks to streiod damage to my muscles, my leg cramped up in the middle of the chant. I lost my place, Howard found it and I was able to continue.
"How do I do?" You can't see it, but Howard smiled and nodded his approval.
I really felt G-d's Presence and I wasn't afraid anymore.
Everyone told me I did a great job. some even thanked me for blessing them with the chant. It was an honour to share G-d's Word with G-d's people.
Next week, Mark is chanting Gensis 12:1-2
He is working so hard and I know he will do great.
I am so excited for him. That my beloved will know that same joy and honour I had yesterday.


DB said...

A beautiful description Laini. I'm sure you did splendidly. DB

Marty said...

Hi Laini,
Congrats!! I'm glad it went so well and thanks for sharing the beautiful pictures.

betty said...

great pictures; what an honor for you!!! I'm sure Mark will do just as well and will feel the Lord's presence as you did (I looked up Genesis 12:1-2; that's an awesome passage filled with the promise to Abraham :)
