Monday 17 November 2008

Things I Miss

My beautiful sister Eileen, sharing a sister moment....

Boka Tov (Good Morning)

This morning I recieved an e-mail from A Little Bit of Soule .

If you haven't seen this journal, it is worth a peek. Unless you don't like babies. This jounral is about a lovely family that G-d has blessed with two beautiful little girls. In fact, Elizabeth is not even a week old. Theirs is a beautiful story.

As I viewed the pictures of big sister holding her infant sister, I fought back the tears. Yes, we wish children of our own, but the tears weren't because I'm not preggiers (yet).

It is because there are no such pictures of my sister and I. I am older by 20 months and the pictures I do have (thanks be to G-d) are of us older. But none of me holding my little sister.

There are few pictures of us.
Many years ago, I asked my Aunt Lucille before her passing of pictures of me as a baby. I am so blessed that she send them I wish she had send more.

Including the only one with me sitting upon my daddy's lap.

As I get older, I realize more and more how important such memories are. They are really treasures we not only past onto our children, but treasures we give ourselves.

Pictures remind us that while we may never be Kings or Queens (even Queen in peoples' hearts) Presidents, Pastors or Indian Chiefs, we matter and we made this world a little better place for our passing through.


Sage Ravenwood said...

I do read that journal. Those pictures are just amazing. Loved the one with you and your sister at your wedding. (Hugs)Indigo

Beth said...

I'm sorry you don't have more pictures of when you and your sister when you were younger, but please enjoy the pictures and times together that you DO have. The picture you've included of the two of you is priceless, and your smile is beautiful!

Love, Beth