Friday 17 October 2008



As I prepare for the day, I realize I have manage this week without shedding a tear.

Sunday, three years ago, Mark and I suffered a miscarriage. In fact, we were suppose to be part of our friend's wedding that very day.

But the night before, after putting up the Sukkah and beginning the celebration of Sukkot, I started getting very sick.

6 am the next morning, we lost our child.

It was a rough time. I went into a deep depression.

Mark took me away, to the very place we spend our honeymoon and that began the healing progress.

Every year since this week has been a hard one. Remembering a baby now in heaven.

I remember the dream I had one night two weeks later: our baby, a little girl, being held by Mark's mum, who died many years ago. That gave us both comfort.

We planted a Fig tree in our baby's honour.

Next year, we shall bare figs we can eat.

Yes, there is an ach in my heart, but this year, no tears.

And who knows, maybe next year, if the Holy One wills it, we shall indeed have a child of our own.


Beth said...

Laini, I'm so sorry. I didn't know you and Mark had a miscarriage. I'm glad to hear that you are healing, and although the ache will always be there, you have been able to continue your lives. I hope that you will have good news on that front in the coming year!

Hugs, Beth

Janis said...

Thanks for visiting my blog! If anyone knows about miracles and babies it is my dh and I. Will be praying that your prayers will be answered!

God Bless.


Marty said...

Hi Laini,
I like to think things happen for a reason but something like this, well, my heart goes out to you and Mark. I admire your strength and have faith that your prayers will be answered soon.

betty said...

(((Laini and Mark)))

I'm so sorry, but I'm so thankful you will see that baby one day again and spend all eternity with that precious child of yours


Lisa said...

Such a sad story but I know your little one is in Heaven just waiting to see you again.