Friday 3 October 2008


Shalom everyone;
So glad that several have already found us Soccer
Right now, we are, of course, getting ready for Shabbat. And since we are still in the High Holy Days, there isn't a lot to do.
Anyhow, the plan is this: we will keep the We Made Our Own Huppah, finish it really. That will mean doing another jounral. The Celebration of Our Lives will also have its own blog. The Craft jounral will be added to this one, so that journal will be deleted.
The interesting/fun part will be learning our way about this new site. But I am looking forward to it.
And it is so nice to be back with my J-Land family once again.


Sage Ravenwood said...

Delighted to see you guys on this side of the blogsphere! (Hugs)Indigo

I'm here:

betty said...

journal is looking good Laini!!! have a great weekend!


Missie said...

You need to add your followers box to your blog so we can get updates when you make an entry.

Joan said...

Your journal is looking good I'm on

come say hello. Love Joan.