Friday 31 October 2008

It's Calling Stealing

Today has been busy as we prepare for Shabbat and tomorrow morning service. I have been listening to Genesis 6:9-10 as well as the blessings over and over again.
I am excited.
I am nervous.
I am scared.
I am so glad Mark is here.

This morning, as I was hanging clothes out to dry, I notice something different about the back porch. It took a few moments and......
Our sign was gone.
Either one of our neighbor's or someone off the street came up the Fire escape and removed our political sign.
Just a week ago there was a story in our local newspaper of people knocking MacCain signs down, switching Obama for MacCain's, tearing Bummer stickers off of bumpers. Even John MacCain's eldest son (who lives in Virginia Beach) has had his father's sign knocked down, even ripped apart.
No, I do not think this is funny.
This is childish.
As Americans we each have the right not only to vote, but to be able to chose who we wish to back without fear of being attacked for one's choice. You don't have to agree with my choice of president. Neither do you have the right to come onto my lawn, yard or porch and destroy my sign.
No one has the right to rip off a MacCain Bumper Sticker or tear up a Obama sign unless it belongs to you.
And if things are bad now, I cannot begin to imagine what election day is going to be like.
Mark and I will vote that day. And then we will spend the day with others in prayer.
For our next president.
For our nation.
For we as a people.
We need it.


Sage Ravenwood said...

I can't believe the gall of some people. Sadly I do think it's going to get worse before election. People are overstepping all kinds of boundaries with this one. I'm sorry you had it happen to you and Mark dear friend. (Hugs)Indigo

Marty said...

Hi Laini,
You're right. This is stealing ... and maybe something worse since this act seems to represent an attempt to stifle your political voice. Others might not agree with your choice -- I, for one, do not -- but we all must respect one another's right to express their own views.

Beth said...

Laini, it's been happening here, too, on both sides. Signs have been stolen or defaced. Out here in the country, it hasn't been too bad, but in town it's been a vandalism problem. I find it awful that others cannot respect someone's right to support who they want to support.

I know we aren't supporting the same candidate, but I can't begin to express how much I appreciate your acceptance of that, and the mutual respect that I believe we have for each other's choices. You are a calm voice in what is sometimes a crazy atmosphere, and you are very much appreciated. :)

Love, Beth

Janis said...

Isn't it sad that our country has come to this? Do people really think that taking a sign will affect the vote? Glad to know there are so many others in prayer for our country...we need it!


betty said...

that is stealing, Laini, for sure and I agree with 100% of what you said about the election and the right to vote for who you want to vote for

I have the same thoughts wondering what will happen after the election

I know you won't read this until after Sabbath is over, but I'm sure you did wonderful and I'm sure it was a great honor to the Lord; he knows your heart and he knows your intent to honor him; I believe your reading/chanting brought him glory and honor and put a smile on his face!

(sorry I fell behind again this week; catching up now)
