Monday 27 October 2008

The Evil We See

Watching: Diana; In Her Own Words
Quiet Afternoon

If a man has beheld evil, he may know that it was shown to him in order that he learn his own guilt and repent; for what is shown to him is also within him.- Baal Shem Tov

Oh how true the above words are.
How often I will see or hear something and very quickly to judge others. There are people who can be quite cutting and biting with their words. Statements come quick and sharp.
There are times I am willing to give grace. At others, I am ready (and have a few times) to give as good as I'd gotten.
But how many times have I been sharp or short with another?
How many times have I'd seem a child disrespect their parnets and shake my head in disapproval and the Spirit of G-d remind me of my disrespect of my mum as a teen. How often i have heard the way spouses have spoken to their beloved, only to be reminded of a moment when my tone wasn't very loving or respectful. How often Mark has come home and thanked me for being his wife and loving him when he sees the disrepect of a man to his wife.
Today, as we worked on the Newletter, talk turned to, as they do these days, to the election.
Mark was telling me about a friend of ours who was home for a wedding, had actually been hit while walking the streets in New York.
Her crime?
Wearing a MacCain button.
And this story is true.
Why couldn't the walkerby just agree to disagree?
Mark often says the things we see in others that we don't like, are the very things that are in us.
How very true


natalie said...

lots of love you guys!
Laini and Mark: I've had problems with getting my link right...,please accept my apologies on this and try this link:
Please come in, take a chair and put your feet up!:)
Some of our friends are there!

Sage Ravenwood said...

It never ceases to amaze me how someone can't like another person unless they think, act or agree with everything they do. Life isn't built that way. I'm embrace the diversity of others. It's one of the reasons I wrote my recent post. And said none of the political slamming now or on any other issue was allowed in my journal. I'm the biggest preacher of agreeing to disagree. It would be a boring world if we were all alike and had no differences. (Hugs)Indigo

betty said...

that was so sad about your friend; its just sad how people can be so hurtful to others

I too have been guilty of judging others; I'm trying to get better with it, but I think it will always be a work in progress for me

good post Laini


Lisa said...

My goodness - a woman struck because she was wearing a McCain button??? Indeed, the person should have just passed on by. That is awful.

This was a well written entry dear.